Digital Construction - AI

Daewoo Engineering & Construction Introduces Baro Letter AI, Specializing in Business Communication

May 2024

Digital Construction - AI

Daewoo Engineering & Construction Introduces Baro Letter AI, Specializing in Business Communication

May 2024

Daewoo Engineering & Construction proudly announced on the 3rd of this month the successful development of its latest innovation: the "Baro Letter AI" service. This groundbreaking system utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) to autonomously draft English letters and compose emails tailored for interactions with customers and suppliers.

The inception of Baro Letter AI traces back to February of the previous year, originating from the strategic vision of the plant business headquarters to pioneer an automated writing solution for English correspondence. This initiative emerged in response to the recognized limitations of existing translation systems, particularly in effectively interpreting and translating specialized construction terminology.

Following an extensive period of development and refinement, which included rigorous beta testing conducted by 11 organizations both domestically and internationally over the span of one year and two months, Baro Letter AI was officially launched on the 30th of last month, following the incorporation of invaluable user feedback. This service empowers users to effortlessly articulate their intended messages in their native language, which are then seamlessly translated into the desired business communication language.

Notably, Baro Letter AI streamlines communication by distilling key messages into clear and concise correspondence, thereby circumventing the complexities of convoluted sentences and awkward expressions. Moreover, by adhering to predefined formats, the system is capable of generating meticulously crafted business letters in accordance with user input.

Furthermore, Baro Letter AI boasts the remarkable capability to analyze incoming correspondence and autonomously generate appropriate response letters. This functionality is underpinned by Daewoo Engineering & Construction's extensive repository of big data and domain expertise accumulated over many years of operation.

Additionally, the system offers grammar correction features, thereby alleviating the burden of errors and ensuring the delivery of polished, natural-sounding sentences. Moreover, Baro Letter AI extends its utility by providing translation services in 10 languages, with a focus on countries where Daewoo Engineering & Construction maintains a significant presence.

By Bae Yunkyung